Installing CTMO Manager ======================= Requirements ------------ To install this software you need * Python 3.6 installed, preferably in a virtual environment or a local installation. * Linux or MacOS operating system. * Root or sudo access. Installation ------------ To install, clone the CTMO Manager repo and run the makefile. Preferably use a virtual environment:: $ git clone $ cd CTMO_Manager $ mkvirtualenv -p python3 ctmo (ctmo)$ make (ctmo)$ sudo make install Installation requires root privilege. Root is only used to install the systemd or launchd services. Depending on your operating system, this will install two system services named ``telescope`` and ``scheduler`` under ``/etc/systemd/system`` (the default path to install services in Linux) or ``/Library/LaunchAgents`` (the default path to install services in MacOS); and a configuration file under ``/etc/ctmo`` Uninstall --------- To clean (delete intermediate files) and uninstall:: $ make clean $ sudo -H make uninstall